Hi there!
Welcome to the Wiltshire business directory website of #WiltsHour - it's great to see you!
So what is #WiltsHour?
If you've stumbled across our wonderful Wiltshire business directory but haven't joined us on Twitter - you're missing a treat!
#WiltsHour is a free weekly networking event for Wiltshire businesses held on Twitter every Monday evening from 8-9pm. The hour is bustling, super-friendly, and great for promoting your own business and finding other businesses to collaborate with, or use their goods, services and ideas.
The brains behind the brawn, Bulldog Websites, run both #WiltsHour and the WiltsHour business directory to offer local marketing and networking to local businesses, helping you to promote your Wiltshire business and gain new followers and friends ... so many friends!

Jamie ‘Mr WiltsHour’ Tuck
Not another networking meeting to attend...
No! You don't even have to leave your sofa! Although from time to time we do arrange a get-together just to put faces to names and enjoy a drink. But for now come along and join us - simply tweet about your business, new products, offers, or just say "hi!" using the hashtag #WiltsHour and we'll do the rest!
While you're here check if your Wiltshire business is listed in our directory, and if it's not, you can list it here. We've got some fab promotional packages too ... enjoy!