Businesses in Wiltshire are being invited to a free networking breakfast in Melksham on Friday 6th October 2023.

Following a successful free event in June aimed at raising awareness of the local support available to small and medium sized companies, the group are opening their doors again for more people to discover how referral networking can grow their revenue.

“The demand to attend our summer event was brilliant and all the tickets got booked up quickly so we know there are other businesses who would like to come and see what we’re about.” Said Alex Hiscock, Chair of the Business Growth Group. ” We are particularly interested in hearing from those who represent an industry not already in the group. If, for instance, you are a book keeper, plumber, web designer or event organiser then it would be great to meet you.”

Business Growth Group (BGG) meets every Friday at 7.00 AM in The Milkchurn, Melksham. It is one of the most successful referral networking groups in Wiltshire and on average, a seat at the table for its members is worth £35,000 per year.
A full list of industries sought to join the group can be found on the group’s website:

The free event will take place at The Milkchurn, Commerce Way, SN12 6AD. It will begin at 7.00 AM and finish at 8.30 AM. To register visit:
For more information about visiting or the event, please contact the group’s Secretary, Ali Anteney on

Author: wilts-bulldog

Posted on Categories Wiltshire News

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